How to clone, copy, duplicate…developers call this “to instantiate an object”. In this video we will take a look at how we can clone (instantiate) an object. It’s easy and very, very useful in almost all kinds of game development.

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   © OXMOND / */

using UnityEngine;

public class Coin : MonoBehaviour
    void Update()
        transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0f, 100f, 0f) * Time.deltaTime);
/* .-------.                             .--.    .-------.     .--.            .--.     .--.        
   |       |--.--.--------.-----.-----.--|  |    |_     _|--.--|  |_.-----.----|__|---.-|  |-----.
   |   -   |_   _|        |  _  |     |  _  |      |   | |  |  |   _|  _  |   _|  |  _  |  |__ --|
   |_______|__.__|__|__|__|_____|__|__|_____|      |___| |_____|____|_____|__| |__|___._|__|_____|
   © OXMOND / */

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Gameplay : MonoBehaviour

    public GameObject coinOriginal;
    public GameObject coinContainer;

    void Start()

    private void CreateCoins(int coinsNum)
        for (int i = 0; i < coinsNum; i++)
            // GameObject CoinClone = Instantiate(coinOriginal);
            GameObject CoinClone = Instantiate(coinOriginal, new Vector3(i * 0.6f, coinOriginal.transform.position.y, i * 0.75f), coinOriginal.transform.rotation);
   = "CoinClone-" + (i + 1);
            CoinClone.transform.parent = coinContainer.transform;

    public void DestroyAllCoins()
            var coins = new List();
            foreach (Transform child in coinContainer.transform) coins.Add(child.gameObject);
            coins.ForEach(child => Destroy(child));
