Create a small tank game. Learn how to build, animate and control 2D tanks using free assets. Full C# script included.

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Tank script:

/* .-------.                             .--.    .-------.     .--.            .--.     .--.        
   |       |--.--.--------.-----.-----.--|  |    |_     _|--.--|  |_.-----.----|__|---.-|  |-----.
   |   -   |_   _|        |  _  |     |  _  |      |   | |  |  |   _|  _  |   _|  |  _  |  |__ --|
   |_______|__.__|__|__|__|_____|__|__|_____|      |___| |_____|____|_____|__| |__|___._|__|_____|
   © OXMOND / */

using UnityEngine;

public class Tank : MonoBehaviour

    /////                   VARS                    /////  

    public Track trackLeft;
    public Track trackRight;

    public string keyMoveForward;
    public string keyMoveReverse;
    public string keyRotateRight;
    public string keyRotateLeft;

    bool moveForward = false;
    bool moveReverse = false;
    float moveSpeed = 0f;
    float moveSpeedReverse = 0f;
    float moveAcceleration = 0.1f;
    float moveDeceleration = 0.20f;
    float moveSpeedMax = 2.5f;

    bool rotateRight = false;
    bool rotateLeft = false;
    float rotateSpeedRight = 0f;
    float rotateSpeedLeft = 0f;
    float rotateAcceleration = 4f;
    float rotateDeceleration = 10f;
    float rotateSpeedMax = 130f;

    /////                 UPDATE                    /////  

    void Update()

        rotateLeft = (Input.GetKeyDown(keyRotateLeft)) ? true : rotateLeft;
        rotateLeft = (Input.GetKeyUp(keyRotateLeft)) ? false : rotateLeft;
        if (rotateLeft)
            rotateSpeedLeft = (rotateSpeedLeft < rotateSpeedMax) ? rotateSpeedLeft + rotateAcceleration : rotateSpeedMax; } else { rotateSpeedLeft = (rotateSpeedLeft > 0) ? rotateSpeedLeft - rotateDeceleration : 0;
        transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, rotateSpeedLeft * Time.deltaTime);

        rotateRight = (Input.GetKeyDown(keyRotateRight)) ? true : rotateRight;
        rotateRight = (Input.GetKeyUp(keyRotateRight)) ? false : rotateRight;
        if (rotateRight)
            rotateSpeedRight = (rotateSpeedRight < rotateSpeedMax) ? rotateSpeedRight + rotateAcceleration : rotateSpeedMax; } else { rotateSpeedRight = (rotateSpeedRight > 0) ? rotateSpeedRight - rotateDeceleration : 0;
        transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, rotateSpeedRight * Time.deltaTime * -1f);

        moveForward = (Input.GetKeyDown(keyMoveForward)) ? true : moveForward;
        moveForward = (Input.GetKeyUp(keyMoveForward)) ? false : moveForward;
        if (moveForward)
            moveSpeed = (moveSpeed < moveSpeedMax) ? moveSpeed + moveAcceleration : moveSpeedMax; } else { moveSpeed = (moveSpeed > 0) ? moveSpeed - moveDeceleration : 0;
        transform.Translate(0f, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0f);

        moveReverse = (Input.GetKeyDown(keyMoveReverse)) ? true : moveReverse;
        moveReverse = (Input.GetKeyUp(keyMoveReverse)) ? false : moveReverse;
        if (moveReverse)
            moveSpeedReverse = (moveSpeedReverse < moveSpeedMax) ? moveSpeedReverse + moveAcceleration : moveSpeedMax; } else { moveSpeedReverse = (moveSpeedReverse > 0) ? moveSpeedReverse - moveDeceleration : 0;
        transform.Translate(0f, moveSpeedReverse * Time.deltaTime * -1f, 0f);

        if (moveForward | moveReverse | rotateRight | rotateLeft)


    /////                METHODS                    /////  

    void trackStart()
        trackLeft.animator.SetBool("isMoving", true);
        trackRight.animator.SetBool("isMoving", true);

    void trackStop()
        trackLeft.animator.SetBool("isMoving", false);
        trackRight.animator.SetBool("isMoving", false);


Tracks script:

/* .-------.                             .--.    .-------.     .--.            .--.     .--.        
   |       |--.--.--------.-----.-----.--|  |    |_     _|--.--|  |_.-----.----|__|---.-|  |-----.
   |   -   |_   _|        |  _  |     |  _  |      |   | |  |  |   _|  _  |   _|  |  _  |  |__ --|
   |_______|__.__|__|__|__|_____|__|__|_____|      |___| |_____|____|_____|__| |__|___._|__|_____|
   © OXMOND / */

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Track : MonoBehaviour {

    public Animator animator;
