How to read JSON data from a web service in C#
How to read a JSON data from a web service in Unity. This Tutorial is about reading JSON data. We will build a little application build on a JSON webservice.
✅ Download the free SimpleJSON parser:
✅ The free geoplugin webservice:
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The LoadJSON script:
/* .-------. .--. .-------. .--. .--. .--. | |--.--.--------.-----.-----.--| | |_ _|--.--| |_.-----.----|__|---.-| |-----. | - |_ _| | _ | | _ | | | | | | _| _ | _| | _ | |__ --| |_______|__.__|__|__|__|_____|__|__|_____| |___| |_____|____|_____|__| |__|___._|__|_____| © 2019 OXMOND / */ using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using SimpleJSON; using UnityEngine.Networking; using TMPro; public class LoadJSON : MonoBehaviour { public TMP_InputField inputTxt; public TMP_Text countryTxt; public TMP_Text continentTxt; public void GetJsonData() { StartCoroutine(RequestWebService()); } IEnumerator RequestWebService() { string getDataUrl = "" + inputTxt.text; print(getDataUrl); using (UnityWebRequest webData = UnityWebRequest.Get(getDataUrl)) { yield return webData.SendWebRequest(); if (webData.isNetworkError || webData.isHttpError) { print("---------------- ERROR ----------------"); print(webData.error); } else { if (webData.isDone) { JSONNode jsonData = JSON.Parse(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; if (jsonData == null) { print("---------------- NO DATA ----------------"); } else { print("---------------- JSON DATA ----------------"); print("jsonData.Count:" + jsonData.Count); countryTxt.text = jsonData["geoplugin_countryName"]; continentTxt.text = jsonData["geoplugin_continentName"]; } } } } } }
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